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Facts You Should Know about Varicose Veins

1) What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged and swollen veins that usually occur on the feet and leg. They may be dark purple or blue, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance.

2) Why do varicose veins happen?

Because of prolonged period of standing, sitting, the blood in the legs cannot be sent smoothly to the heart. The increased blood pressure and gravity make the venous valves need to work harder to prevent blood from flowing backward, the pressure continued to maintain on high level and caused damage. The blood pooled in the veins of the legs shortly afterwards, causing pain and various discomforts. In addition, the increased venous pressure in the legs causes the superficial veins to dilate and distort, resulting in what is known as varicose veins.

3) Risk Factors
  1. Age Varicose veins are significantly more common amongst older people. The veins generally become less elastic with age, thus causing the valves inside them to work less effectively. This may cause blood to pool in the lower legs, causing symptoms of varicose veins.

  2. Gender Women are more likely to develop the condition than men. Hormone treatments, such as birth control pills, may increase your risk of varicose veins.

  3. Pregnancy Increase blood, hormones, pressure on vein, can all develop varicose veins during pregnancy.

  4. Family history If your family members had varicose veins, there is a greater chance you will have too.

  5. Obesity This is partly to do with the pressure excess weight can put on the veins in the lower extremities.

  6. Standing or sitting for long periods of time Your blood does not flow as well if you are in the same posture for long period, so don’t stay in the same posture for too long.

4) Level of Varicose Veins:
  • Level I: Spider Veins The small, twisted, reddish-purple veins – visible on the legs, ankles, neck, face, and other areas. They take their name from their striking spiderweb pattern. The swollen veins may be accompanied by itching, burning, or numbness along the veins themselves, and by tired, weak, or achy legs. This is the best stage at which to treat them

  • Level II: Reticular varicose veins and edema Untreated spider veins can lead into varicose veins, which are the larger, blue twisted veins that bulge under the surface of the skin. Most patients become concerned at this stage when the dark blue or purple veins begin to cause heaviness, itching, pain, inflammation, or vein rupture.

  • Level III: Skin changes and discoloration As the disease progresses, venous congestion and poor circulation can lead to changes in the color and texture of the skin. The skin on the legs can turn reddish-brown or white and become leatherier in texture, making it fragile and prone to injury.

  • Level IV: Skin changes with ulceration  In this stage, there is likely to be quite a bit of pain associated with your symptoms and the affected area is commonly itchy and highly irritated. Injuries to the toughened skin may heal with treatment, and often leaving scars.

  • Level V: Skin changes with active ulceration In this stage, leg ulcers and injuries to the skin refuse to heal with treatment, and can leave your legs literally covered with bleeding, open sores.

5) How to Prevent

  1. Wearing compression socks: Are compression socks good for varicose veins? And how do compression socks work for swelling? You can wear compression stockings such as compression socks/leggings/sleeves to improve blood circulation. When wear graduated decrease compression socks, can promote blood flow from the deep veins of the lower limbs back to heart.

  2. Exercise moderately: Walking longer than 10 minutes can help contract the muscle of lower limbs, promote venous blood return.

  3. Sleeping with your leg elevated: Promote blood flow return to heart, reduce edema in the legs, relieve swollen feet and tired leg pain.

  4. Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing: Avoid blood pooling in the lower extremities. Change your posture to move the lower limbs at the right moment when you are work.

  5. Control body weight and eat a diet low in oil and salt: Reduce abdominal pressure and avoid increasing the burden on blood vessels.

  6. Avoid alcohol and tobacco: Alcohol will accelerate varicose veins; smoking will increase blood pressure and make varicose veins worse.


Contact Info

Da Yu Enterprise Co., Ltd.

No. 123, Xingong 3rd Rd., Tianzhong Township, Changhua County, 52046 Taiwan 

Tel no.: +886-48-760-680

Fax no.: +886-48-760-683


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